Zero Begins MassCEC Decarbonization Pilot
Image Courtesy of MassCEC
Zero is excited to announce that we have been selected as the software provider for Massachusetts Clean Energy Center's (MassCEC) Decarbonization Pathways pilot program. As part of the pilot, ZERO will be utilized by Abode to provide homeowners with a tailored Decarbonization Pathway Report, giving each homeowner a clear decarbonization roadmap for their home. Abode will work on site with each homeowner to collect information, walk them through the Decarbonization Pathways Report, and support them through their electrification journey.
Each report will provide homeowners with a custom-tailored project roadmap to get their home to net zero. It will outline the best opportunities for each homeowner to take advantage of, the order in which they should implement each opportunity, and all of the costs -- including available incentives, rebates, and savings for each project. For select projects, ZERO will also offer instant quotes, removing additional contractor consultations. Post assessment, homeowner participants will be eligible for $10,000-30,000 in additional incentives to undergo renovations, especially to convert their heating and cooling systems to heat pumps.
“The Decarbonization Pathways pilot gives us a chance to demonstrate the convenience of our electrification platform – for homeowners, contractors, and home energy assessors – in planning and executing much-needed projects,” said Grant Gunnison, Zero’s Founder & CEO. “We’re excited to demonstrate through this pilot how we can save homeowners and contractors hours of time in the planning and quoting stages of electrification projects by offering a platform that automatically composes a decarbonization roadmap for each homeowner, captures all the available incentives to pay for the work, and provides instant quotes so homeowners can quickly move forward to getting the work complete.”
We’re excited to demonstrate through this pilot how we can save homeowners and contractors hours of time in the planning and quoting stages of electrification projects by offering a platform that automatically composes a decarbonization roadmap for each homeowner, captures all the available incentives to pay for the work, and provides instant quotes so homeowners can quickly move forward to getting the work complete.
For MassCEC and Abode, working with Zero allows them to save hours of time in their efforts guiding each homeowner to decarbonize their home. Through this pilot, Zero and Abode will work with up to 100 homeowners across Massachusetts to pilot this software-based approach to decarbonization project planning. Zero will also soon begin working with the city of Los Altos Hills, California to provide home energy assessments and net zero project planning for all 3,000 of its residential homes. These early customers prove Zero’s ability to scale municipal and state decarbonization efforts by offering the most convenient platform available for net zero project planning in the residential sector.
About MassCEC
The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) is a state economic development agency dedicated to accelerating the growth of the clean energy sector across the Commonwealth to spur job creation, deliver statewide environmental benefits, and secure long-term economic growth for the people of Massachusetts. MassCEC works to increase the adoption of clean energy while driving down costs and delivering financial, environmental, and economic development benefits to energy users and utility customers across the state.
For more information about the Decarbonization Pathways pilot, check out MassCEC’s website.